For full credits,
go to the Resume Page.

EMQ (before she had been Q-ed)
in her eponymous variety show at
A.R.T.'s Club Oberon in 2010.
'How to Draw Frankenstein' is a ten-minute musical about a young boy coping with his father's death by drawing pictures of Frankenstein. This is the stages reading from the BMI Lehmen Engel Musical Theater Workshop, featuring Aaron Ricciardi as Frankenstein, Sarah Mucek as Allyson, and Helen Park ('KPOP') as Erin.
'Unlikely Teammates in a musical about Jewish baseball players' by James Sullivan
'Edinburgh Fringe Interview: Erin Murray - Brain Hemingway'
Erin Murray Quinlan talks about her first time in Edinburgh, her production company, and her tips for going to the Fringe.
Erin Murray Quinlan talks to Barry Robertson about
'Brain Hemingway' and the state of musical theater
on his show for The Grey Hill.
Erin Murray Quinlan talks about bringing Brain Hemingway back to the Edinburgh Festival Fringe.
Erin talks about her process, bees vs. penguins, and what makes Paul Boyd a good director.